Hello TAPN, here is the updates rank correlations currently implimented. These are subject to change or be added to in time as well.
Standard Ranks
O6 Admirals [ADM] or [High ADM]
O5 Captians (NYI due to no Cap Ships) [CPT]
O4 Commander (Squadron leaders) [CDR]
O3LT Commander [Lt CDR]
O2 Lieutenant [L]
O1 Ensign [ENS]
E4 Sergent [SGT]
E3 Corporal [COR]
E2 Specialist [SPC]
E1 Private [PVT]
Recruit [RCT]
Condor Ranks
O4 – Chief of Operations [CO/C]
O3 – Vice Chief of Operations [VCO/C]
O2 – Section Head [SH/C]
O1 – Foreman [F/C]
E3 – Operations Engineer [OE/C]
E2 – Journeyman [J/C]
E1 – Apprentice [A/C]