Arvid Reorganization To Civilian and Military Divisions

Arvid Protectorate Navy Division Reorganization

The Arvid Protectorate Navy Division is undergoing a significant reorganization to accommodate varying levels of commitment and involvement among its members. This restructuring aims to establish a clear distinction between two main branches within the navy: the Civilian Side and the Military Side.

Civilian Side

The Civilian side of The Arvid Protectorate Navy is for members who prefer a more relaxed approach gameplay, while still being serious when needed. This side will have informal practical training to establish and maintain competency in their given specialty. The main focus in competency, if you fall out of competency you will be reassigned until basic competency requirements are met.

General Members

The general population are for members who do not want to join a specific specialty or department. These members are allowed to join civilians side events; given that they follow the instructions outlined in those events

Military Side

Contrastingly, the Military Side of the Arvid Protectorate Navy Division appeals to members who seek a more structured and deeply involved gaming experience. This branch requires a higher level of commitment, with expectations of regular participation and adherence to military protocols and schedules. Members of this side are dedicated to upholding the navy’s standards of excellence and actively engaging in strategic gameplay.


The division’s decision to reorganize into two distinct sides serves multiple purposes:

  1. Flexibility: By offering both Civilian and Military sides, the Arvid Protectorate Navy Division accommodates players with varying preferences and availability.
  2. Community Building: The division aims to foster a strong sense of camaraderie and inclusivity within each side, allowing members to connect with like-minded individuals who share their gaming style and commitment level.
  3. Enhanced Gameplay Experience: This reorganization enhances the overall gaming experience by tailoring activities and expectations to each member’s preferences. Whether one seeks a casual gaming experience or desires to immerse themselves fully in military-style gameplay, the division provides opportunities for both.

Organizational Structure

Each side operates under its own leadership structure, with appointed officers responsible for overseeing operations, coordinating activities, and ensuring the well-being of members. While both sides operate autonomously to some extent, they remain unified under the overarching framework of the Arvid Protectorate Navy Division.


Prospective members can choose to join either the Civilian Side or the Military Side based on their preferences and gaming goals. Those interested in the Civilian Side can expect a more laid-back atmosphere with fewer commitments, while those opting for the Military Side should be prepared for a more structured and disciplined gaming experience.


The division’s transition to a dual-sided structure represents a proactive step towards inclusivity and adaptability within the gaming community. By reorganizing to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of its members, the Arvid Protectorate Navy Division aims to foster a thriving and cohesive gaming environment for all.

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