
  • Arvid Protectorate Divisions
  • The Arvid Protectorate Divisions are the organizational framework governing the various branches of operations within the Arvid Protectorate, a sovereign entity dedicated to safeguarding its territories and interests across space. Formed with a keen focus on efficiency and specialization, these divisions are led by capable captains who oversee distinct aspects of the Protectorate’s operations.
  • Captains
  • Drredpanda – Support Division Captain
  • Drredpanda assumes the pivotal role of Support Division Captain within the Arvid Protectorate. In this capacity, Drredpanda oversees logistical operations and medical services critical to the functioning of the Protectorate’s infrastructure. Tasked with ensuring the smooth flow of resources and the well-being of personnel, Drredpanda’s leadership is instrumental in sustaining the operational capabilities of the Protectorate.
  • Junior the Pegasus – Air Captain
  • Junior the Pegasus commands the Air Division of the Arvid Protectorate, directing all combat engagements involving spacecraft. With expertise in aerial tactics and spacecraft maneuvering, Junior the Pegasus leads the charge in space-based confrontations, coordinating with allied forces and leveraging advanced technologies to secure victory. Under Junior’s guidance, the Air Division stands as a formidable force, ready to defend the Protectorate’s interests at a moment’s notice.
  • IRSmurf – Ground Combat Captain
  • IRSmurf assumes the vital role of Ground Combat Captain within the Arvid Protectorate, responsible for all terrestrial operations. From foot patrols to vehicular assaults and ship boarding actions, IRSmurf leads ground-based engagements with strategic acumen and tactical prowess. With a keen understanding of ground warfare dynamics, IRSmurf ensures the Protectorate’s dominance in land-based conflicts, employing a versatile array of tactics and equipment to achieve victory.
  • Divisions
  • Support Division:
    • Led by Drredpanda, the Support Division encompasses logistical operations and medical services vital to the functioning of the Protectorate. From supply chain management to field hospitals, this division ensures the sustained efficiency and well-being of all personnel.
  • Air Division:
    • Commanded by Junior the Pegasus, the Air Division specializes in combat engagements involving spacecraft. From dogfights in space to orbital bombardments, this division leverages advanced aerospace technologies to maintain superiority in the skies.
  • Ground Combat Division:
    • Under the leadership of IRSmurf, the Ground Combat Division oversees all terrestrial operations, including foot patrols, vehicular assaults, and ship boarding actions. With a focus on ground-based tactics and equipment, this division secures the Protectorate’s interests on planetary surfaces and within spacecraft interiors.

  • Standard Ranks
  • O6 Admirals [ADM] or [High ADM]
  • O5 Captians (NYI due to no Cap Ships) [CPT]
  • O4 Commander (Squadron leaders) [CDR]
  • O3LT Commander [Lt CDR]
  • O2 Lieutenant [L]
  • O1 Ensign [ENS]
  • E4 Sergent [SGT]
  • E3 Corporal [COR]
  • E2 Specialist [SPC]
  • E1 Private [PVT]
  • E0 Enlisted [ENL]